Många leenden, minnesvärda dagar och nya upplevelser har Jussi och Jonas Lindberg gett barn på Kimitoön detta år. I samband med sina välgörenhetskonserter inför jul ifjol samlade de […]
För fem år sen möttes Jack Vreeswijk och Fredrik Furu första gången backstage på en festival i Sverige. Sedan dess har de hunnit göra allsång, festivaler, turnéer och […]
[:sv] BILAR & BÅTAR – BYGGA, BO & DISTANSARBETE temanummer 10.11.2022 Inlämningstid för annonsmaterial senast 26.10. OBS ! Tidningen postas till alla prenumeranter. Innehållet publiceras även i City & Archipelago News […]
I went to summer cottage and swam in the sea on October 5. I took a sauna to warm myself before swimming. The water was so cold. But, […]
The weaving school “Åbolands hantverk rf” is in Kimito. You can make many variety of handicrafts here. For example, a rug, a table cloth and so on. A […]
Storfinnhova Gård is in Björkboda. There are a smoke sauna and some unique tourist cabins. They are surrounded by many trees. When you come inside a sauna room, […]
After paddling a canoe, I went hiking at Senatsbergets nature trail. The air in a forest was cool and crisp. While I walk in the wood, I realized […]
I enjoyed outdoor activities on September 28th. Today, Mr. Laitinen guided me around Stora Masugnsträsket and Senatsbergets nature trail. Before coming Finland, I have always wanted to paddle […]
First culture is taking a sauna at Finnish family’s house. The wood sauna with soft light made me relax. The atmosphere was good for talking. When I throw […]
I thought I was going to go a forest. But, we went to swamp. In addition, cranberries are under the grass not like blueberries. I felt like I […]
– Kimitoöns restauranger är välbesökta när det är sommar, men under vinterhalvåret är det naturligtvis lugnare. Nu, mitt i gråvädret, kan det inte vara fel att unna sig […]
Autumn is a best season for hiking in Finland. It is not too cold and not too hot. Also, leaves turn into a beautiful color. I hear that […]
I went fishing with Jenni, Johan, and Veikka on September 9th. Johan took me to strömma by the ship. Cruising in the sea was so fantastic. When I […]
Ms. Liljeqvist said “There are no vacations at the hotel every day in summer. We usually hire about 40 employee, but we hire about 130 employees in high […]
- Ett så här mastigt motorevenemang har inte tidigare skådats på Kimitoön, berättar Twentyfiwesevenhundred-aktivisten Juha Wahlsten, som arrangerar Burn & Chill 2018. Burn & Chill förvandlar lördagen den […]