First culture is taking a sauna at Finnish family’s house. The wood sauna with soft light made me relax. The atmosphere was good for talking. When I throw […]
I thought I was going to go a forest. But, we went to swamp. In addition, cranberries are under the grass not like blueberries. I felt like I […]
– Kimitoöns restauranger är välbesökta när det är sommar, men under vinterhalvåret är det naturligtvis lugnare. Nu, mitt i gråvädret, kan det inte vara fel att unna sig […]
Autumn is a best season for hiking in Finland. It is not too cold and not too hot. Also, leaves turn into a beautiful color. I hear that […]
I went fishing with Jenni, Johan, and Veikka on September 9th. Johan took me to strömma by the ship. Cruising in the sea was so fantastic. When I […]
Ms. Liljeqvist said “There are no vacations at the hotel every day in summer. We usually hire about 40 employee, but we hire about 130 employees in high […]
- Ett så här mastigt motorevenemang har inte tidigare skådats på Kimitoön, berättar Twentyfiwesevenhundred-aktivisten Juha Wahlsten, som arrangerar Burn & Chill 2018. Burn & Chill förvandlar lördagen den […]
“September Open” was held in Dalsbruk. It was fine weather the day, so about 7000 people came. There were many shop that represent medieval Europe. People who wear […]
Today is the good day for cycling. So, I cycled a difference route than last time. At first, I found hiking course. Walking in the woods made me […]
I ran along the coastal route by bicycle on September 4th. Today, I went through this road.(red line at the second picture) There are much fog in the […]
I went in a forest to picking up mushrooms with Mitsuko. She is Japanese woman and has lived here for 7 years. In Japan, a porcini (herkkutatti) is […]
I went to a forest to pick up blueberry with my host mother “Khae”. People can walk in the woods freely and pick up berry or mushroom. (Everyman’s […]
Eva Sjösten vill gärna se en skräpfri Kimitoö och drar sitt strå till stacken genom att ordna ett plogging-evenemang på lördag. World Cleanup Day går av stapeln på […]
Today is “out day” in kindergarten on August 27th. We walked around in the woods and picked blueberries to make blueberry pie tomorrow. Some kids were eating blueberries. […]
I went to Bengtskär on August 25th. Going to Island by ferry is one of my things I want to do in Kimito Island. A little while after […]